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Курс: Программирование - профессионалы (лич. 2020-2021)

Имя: Попович Виталий

Время Задача Результат Комментарий Решение Тестировала
12.02.21 11:26 pixels 100 +(0), +(30), +(30), +(4), +(36/36) main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
12.02.21 11:20 pixels 70 +(0), -[[WA] Cant match the fragment 2 to the resulting image in the cell (2, 3)], +(30), +(4), +(36/36) main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
12.02.21 11:17 pixels 16 +(0), -[[WA] Number of zeroes in the resulting matrix (14) differs from the promised value (17)], -[[WA] Number of zeroes in the resulting matrix (51) differs from the promised value (99)], -[[WA] Number of zeroes in the resulting matrix (145) differs from the promised value (154)], *(16/36)[--+-+-+-+; test 1: [WA] Number of zeroes in the resulting matrix (241505) differs from the promised value ( main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
12.02.21 10:32 pizza 40 +(0), +(20), +(20), -[#3 Runtime Error 3:Path not found], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
12.02.21 10:00 product 100 +(0), +(30), +(30), +(40) main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0