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Курс: Программирование - профессионалы (лич. 2020-2021)

Имя: Лосев Александр

Время Задача Результат Комментарий Решение Тестировала
04.02.21 13:40 Capybara 60 +(0), +(10), +(10), +(20), +(20), -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819], *(0/20)[--------------------; test 1: #-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 13:11 Capybara 40 +(0), +(10), +(10), +(20), -[Memory limit exceeded!], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819], *(0/20)[--------------------; test 1: #-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 12:46 Python 60 +(0), +(20), +(20), +(20), -[Time limit exceeded!], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 12:40 Capybara 41 +(0), +(10), +(10), +(20), -[Memory limit exceeded!], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819], *(1/20)[------------------+-; test 1: #-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 12:27 Capybara 0 Ошибка чекера причина выхода:Runtime Error 217 main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 11:44 Python 40 +(0), +(20), +(20), -[Time limit exceeded!], -[Time limit exceeded!], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 11:35 Python 20 -[[WA] Pretty naive :) contestant printed -1], +(20), -[[WA] Pretty naive :) contestant printed -1], -[[WA] Pretty naive :) contestant printed -1], -[[WA] Pretty naive :) contestant printed -1], -[#-1073741819 Runtime Error -1073741819] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 10:45 Capybara 41 +(0), +(10), +(10), +(20), -[Time limit exceeded!], -[#3 Runtime Error 3:Path not found], *(1/20)[------------------+-; test 1: #3 Runtime Error 3:Path not found] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 10:38 Unicorn 100 +(0), +(10), +(15), +(15), +(15), +(15), +(15), +(15) main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 10:19 Unicorn 55 +(0), +(10), +(15), -[[WA] Column 4 order is changed], +(15), -[[WA] Row 7 order is changed], +(15), -[[WA] Row 8 order is changed] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 10:13 Unicorn 45 -[[WA] Column 1 order is changed], -[[WA] Column 1 order is changed], +(15), -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed], +(15), -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed], +(15), -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 10:06 Unicorn 0 -[[WA] Column 1 order is changed], -[[WA] Elements must be positive, but found 0], -[[WA] Elements must be positive, but found 0], -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed], -[[WA] Elements must be positive, but found 0], -[[WA] Elements must be positive, but found 0], -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed], -[[WA] Row 1 order is changed] main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0
04.02.21 09:00 Echidna 100 +(0), +(50), +(50) main.cpp DelTA3 at NIT0